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Our Business

BHOT, short for Bar Hopping Open Table, is a cutting-edge platform that leverages data sourced from Point of Sale (POS) systems to present a dynamic, real-time map displaying table availability at local venues.

Claas Beger

Co-founder - Backend Web Development

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Philip Hoheisel

Co-founder - Frontend Web Development

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Filip Teržan

Founder - Business development

Arsenije Mitrović

Co-founder - Technical and Business assistance

Open Positions

Seeking Top Talent

As an early-stage startup, we provide the ultimate opportunity for you to develop your skills. We offer part-time positions, but you can inform us in your application if you want to work full- and overtime for extra benefits (we are, after all, a startup). Our positions, as indicated by the name, highly encourage cross-functional teamwork, as it helps the company grow faster and motivates employees to grow their skill sets exponentially. 

Remote / Hybrid work

Cultivating innovation in a remote, inclusive environment. You can work from anywhere, as long as you are motivated and productive🚀

Send us your CV today!


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